Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I will start two new sections on the blog. One will be about the inappropriate use of vinyl turntables and the other one will be about cruelty done to vinyl records. See the other post about the atrocities witnessed in Brooklyn. As I travel around I constantly find out about weird ideas that people have and what they do to their turntables and vinyl records.

Here you can see a perfectly fine Technics SL-1200 deck of a pair (as usual missing the singles adapter) that is being used as a storage place for CDs. Which seem to be home made by the way. The cover has been removed, too. Now that's not right on! Also I can assure you that no vinyl was present, so there was no excuse. I saw this atrocity at the Registratur Club in Munich in the late summer of 2009. The place got closed down shortly afterwards. So this should be a warning to you. Don't do this to your wheels of steel!

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